Gjgautamjoshi14.1 Create a network Topology Setup in such a way so that System A can ping to two Systems System…Mar 27, 2021Mar 27, 2021
GjgautamjoshiWhat is ansible and how this tool solves the problem of the Industry.Ansible is a simple and agentless automation tool used for configuration management, or simple IT automation engine that automates cloud…Mar 20, 2021Mar 20, 2021
Gjgautamjoshi🔰 Create a Setup so that you can ping google but not able to ping Facebook from same system..In the first step we check connectivity that our system in pinging to google and Facebook .Mar 14, 2021Mar 14, 2021
GjgautamjoshiWhat is KubernetesIn this we are going see a product named as kubernetes and what is it ,why we use this, how it is solving problem in the industry .Mar 14, 2021Mar 14, 2021
Gjgautamjoshitask Description📄🔰 Create High Availability Architecture with AWS CLI 🔰Nov 15, 2020Nov 15, 2020
GjgautamjoshiIn this blog we learn how to launch Instance by using Aws cli (command line interface ) by creating…Following are the steps for doing this task .Nov 12, 2020Nov 12, 2020
GjgautamjoshiHow companies are using machine learning ?Let’s first understand what is machine learning ?Nov 1, 2020Nov 1, 2020